Kornukh O. Classification of corporation intellectual property transformation.


  • Оксана Валентинівна Корнух ДВНЗ «Криворізький національний університет», Ukraine




innovative development corporation, intellectual property, intellectual property transformation, сlassification of corporation intellectual property transformation


The article analyzes statistical data, which has shown that there is a very low level of inventive activity in the industrial sector, and its dynamics is negative in Ukraine. Intellectual property is proved to be one of the main indicators of innovation development in the world, the quality measure of implemented innovations on macro and micro levels and important object of evaluation and management of company activity of any level. The urgent need for transformation of corporation intellectual property is grounded. The basis of the strategy is innovation way of development. The problem of intellectual property transformation in two aspects is outlined: lack of awareness of owners and supreme authority of the role and impact of intellectual property on company innovative development level and inability of operating mechanism of company intellectual property to meet the new requirements of innovative economy. The main objectives of intellectual property transformation on macro and macro levels are determined. One of the main objectives of corporation intellectual property transformation is to provide: an appropriate competitive level, the growth of business capitalization, economic performance improvement, progressive innovative development, the appropriate level of financial and economic security, investment attractiveness and efficient brand formation and development. Classification of corporation intellectual property is developed (types corporation intellectual property transformation are grouped according to certain characteristics) for more relevant and system implementation of the process of corporation intellectual property transformation.

Author Biography

Оксана Валентинівна Корнух, ДВНЗ «Криворізький національний університет»

к. е. н., доцент кафедри фінансів суб’єктів господарювання та інноваційного розвитку


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