Shcherbina Olha. Information support of innovative activity of the enterprises of Ukraine.


  • Ольга Сергіївна Щербіна ДонНУ, м. Вінниця, Ukraine



information support, information provision, information environment, innovative activity of the enterprise, system, barriers.


The article is devoted to the generalization of the theoretical foundations and some of the practical aspects of information support of innovative activity of the enterprises. It was determined that the information environment of innovation must include not only the model selection and identification of information flow, but also the principles and mechanisms of their processing, interpretation, verification and ways of use. It is found that a lack of external information and its reception difficulties can lead to arbitrary decisions of the fact that there are some important features and characteristics of the new product were considered; and also to identify adverse effects, which in turn will lead to additional costs or the need to change production techniques. The basic components of the system of information support of innovative processes, such as the resource base for data of different stages of innovation; indicators to measure the effectiveness of innovation; data describing the extent to which the innovation strategy of the enterprise; performance evaluation of innovative potential of the enterprise. The article grouped the barriers in the implementation of enterprise information systems and provides ways to overcome them. So presented organizational, technological, informational, psychological and financial barriers group. The attention that the provision of information support of innovation activities include: the creation and updating of databases of scientific and technical results and the potential performers of scientific and technical programs and projects in priority areas; communicating with remote data centers and databases, including foreign ones; ensuring access of interested organizations and individuals to information databases and information resources of the Internet in the field of innovation; Search and selection of innovative projects, proposals for the production of high-tech products for organizations and individuals who are interested in their financing; the creation and updating of data banks on consumer properties of products of leading companies.

Author Biography

Ольга Сергіївна Щербіна, ДонНУ, м. Вінниця

к.е.н., доцент кафедри інформаційних систем управління


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