Sushko M. Directions, forms and software tools anti-crisis state policy in industry.


  • Максим Юрійович Сушко Класичний приватний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine



crisis, public policy, crisis management, industry.


The main directions, forms of anti-crisis state policy in the industry and its maintanance instruments have been analyzed in the article; structural changes in the forms of implementation of the state anti-crisis policy have been found. The main areas of anti-crisis state policy are the following: stimulation of economic development; development of measures for the development of the industrial sectors of the economy; improvement of the mechanisms for stimulating public authorities; coordination of state infrastructure investments and investment strategies business; development of infrastructure provision; creating conditions for economic competitiveness. It’s been determined that the crisis management industry, as the company also, has three main components - the prediction of crisis mitigation and elimination of the causes of the crisis for the removal of barriers to further development. The following basic forms of state support of industrial sector have been shown:  in the form of state programs, in the form of financial assistance to industry by industrial complexes, in the form of subsidies to depressed regions, in the form of public investment and investment projects. Comparative analysis of instruments of crisis management has been conducted.

Author Biography

Максим Юрійович Сушко, Класичний приватний університет, м. Запоріжжя

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