O. Klenin. Forming of the business model of strategic consulting in the management system of innovative development.


  • Олег Володимирович Кленін Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine




consulting company, resource approach, management, concept, value, cost, competences, businessmodel, strategic consulting.


In the article was considered position of consulting activity in the analysis process of methodological aspects of resource approach. It was set that according to this approach it was possible to divide resources of consulting company on a clear logframe. It was proved that according to logframe a process of value creation by consulting company was not separate on a cost and competences, but determined as an interrelated process. Both values that in future will be examined as competitive advantages are important in the system of management of innovative development both for a consulting company so for enterprise-customer of services. For identification of consumer value was considered the bases of business model forming of strategic consulting according to modern conceptions of innovative development. Was conducted analysis of business models. Was set that business model forming of strategic consulting process is based on resource – oriented and the cost-oriented management approaches. By the author was proposed conceptual business model of strategic consulting in the system of management of innovative development by innovative development that was based on conception of innovative development, chain of values and organizational model of consulting business according to key business processes. In the author`s opinion business model of strategic consulting is conceptual position, in which is described process of knowledge transformation and technologies in a value with an aim to provide innovative development of enterprise-customer that will allow to receive values. It was proved that for business model efficiency was important taking into account the next business processes: determination of market product (supply of consumer value in separate market segment), order management (mechanism of commercialization according to model earning profit), sales management (competition strategy and strategy of innovative development).

Author Biography

Олег Володимирович Кленін, Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет»

к.е.н., доцент кафедри обліку та аудиту


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