D. Krylov. The use of models of implementation of investment projects for the development of organizational-economic mechanism of management in practical activities of industrial enterprises.


  • Д. В. Крилов Запорізький національний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine




the investment project, the model of implementation of investment projects, organizational and economic mechanism, industrial enterprise, investment, economic, organizational components of the model, the functional dependence between the components of the model.


The article used an improved model of implementation of investment projects on the basis of development of organizational-economic mechanism of its implementation by the enterprise of the food industry. The parameters of economic, institutional and investment components by evaluating specific groups of indicators. Built a functional dependency between the components of the improved model by considering a certain group of indicators at the enterprise and the possibility of implementation of the investment project are analysed by the model. The appropriateness of the model of implementation of investment projects. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the construction of functional dependencies between the economic, organizational and investment components of the ZAO Volchansk Oil-Extraction Plant indicates the feasibility of implementing an investment project based on the implementation of the investment project based on the development of the organizational and economic mechanism, Activity of this enterprise. Thus, the use of the investment project implementation model based on the development of the organizational and economic mechanism at food industry enterprises is advisable, since it allows taking into account market conditions, choosing an effective project and successfully implementing it.

Author Biography

Д. В. Крилов, Запорізький національний університет, м. Запоріжжя

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