O. Poltoratska. Innovative activity as the factor of development of machine-building enterprises.


  • Оксана Володимирівна Полторацька Таврійський національний університет В. І. Вернадського, м. Київ, Ukraine




innovative activity, industrial enterprise, machine-building industry, technology, informative systems, equipment.


In the scientific article the author examines the key areas of innovation engineering enterprises of both Ukraine and foreign leading countries. Provided the author's scheme of innovation in the machine-building enterprises in the current post-crisis environment, which highlights the key groups: innovation aimed at improving the means of production of finished products and innovations aimed at improving the final finished product; technical innovation and organizational and economic innovation. Technical innovation represented by such elements as: the use of the latest developments and engineering achievements for the improvement of existing machines and equipment units (new types of rail cars, electric trains, monorail, hypersonic magnetic train, a futuristic transportation system); the use of new generation materials and alloys to improve the quality of engineering products (bi-metal alloys, plastic); manufacture or introduction of new machinery and equipment to increase the level of competitiveness (3D-printer, 3D-scanner). Organizational-economic innovation represented by the following elements: the use of new systems and approaches in management to increase economic efficiency indicators of enterprises (management “noosphere” innovative development); the use of new information systems and advanced IT-technologies for the automation of complex multi-step manufacturing process (Edgecam, GOLSTRIM, VERTIKAL, QiBox, CAM). Examples were given of directions of innovative activity of machinebuilding enterprises on a global level and a list of organizations that are engaged in innovative research, development in the line of activity.

Author Biography

Оксана Володимирівна Полторацька, Таврійський національний університет В. І. Вернадського, м. Київ

к.е.н., доц. кафедри публічного управління та адміністрування


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