E. Parshina. Information model of economic behaviour of enterprise at the products competitiveness providing.


  • Олена Анатоліївна Паршина Университет имени Альфреда Нобеля, г. Днепр, Ukraine




information model, economic behaviour, competitiveness of products, decision making.


The products competitiveness providing needs the forming of effective administrative decisions. Development process of such decisions forms the basis of economic behaviour of enterprise. Research of economic behaviour of enterprise in the modern terms of world globalization is of great importance.New approaches of decision making in the conditions of incompleteness or surplus of information have been considered. The necessity of forming of objective instrument for the organization of subjective judgements of different specialists which are participated in the innovative decisions development has been determinated. Information model for the economic behaviour management of enterprise has been offered. The research results of the stages of decision making and exposed relationships in basis of information model have been fixed. Information model is a multilevel system. It is necessary to attain the global purpose which is formed at the high level at the creation of new competitive products. The comparison matrices of the alternatives variants in relation to a primary objective on the basis of decision rule which is expressed prevailing at pair comparison have been offered. Researches of the information compendency at the decisions forming of the products competitiveness providing have been conducted. The process of decisions forming taking into account the reflection aspects on the example of the complex system has been described. The polynomials of Lefevra for every stage of the production and economic system have been written. The proper operators of persons awareness, which are accepted decision on the choice of alternative variant have been used. The use of information model for realization of the purposeful affect on the information structure for the forming process of competitiveness of products has been offered.

Author Biography

Олена Анатоліївна Паршина, Университет имени Альфреда Нобеля, г. Днепр

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