Yе. Latysheva. Analysis of the state of economic component of sustainable development of industrial enterprises of Ukraine.


  • Олена Володимирівна Латишева Донбаська державна машинобудівна академія, м. Краматорськ, Ukraine




sustainable development, national economy, structural changes in an economy, economic crisis, deindustrialization, industrial enterprises.


In the article the problems of the current state of national economy in Ukraine was discussed. It was certain, that during the last years the clear tendencies of return from a production scientifically -oriented products to the traditional production of the export-oriented raw- material industry are traced. The current problems of providing of efficiency of management the economic component of sustainable development of industrial enterprises of Ukraine are in the historical features of terms of development of her economy, structure of her economic potential has been  noted. The stages of the crisis phenomena in an economy and their consequence, the analysis of basic indexes of national economy and dynamics of indexes of development of country, of strategic industries and industrial enterprises was presented here. Researchers showed the decline of sustainable of national economy from new problems Ukraine. An analysis showed that in Ukraine the extraordinarily unsteady vulnerable structure of economy was formed and deindustrialization of national economy continues to deepen in a country. Basic factors that present a threat to sustainable development of industrial enterprises of Ukraine were certain in the article. It is concluded that among a number of different factors of economic growth in Ukraine the most significant is the realization of new industrialization of economy, stimulations of innovative activity for the revival of industrial potential, structural alteration of national economy, bringing in of investments in development of cost-effective productions; and building of new enterprises with application mainly of innovative technique and technologies, creation of industrial parks that correspond to the best world experience, priority development of hi-tech industrial enterprises.

Author Biography

Олена Володимирівна Латишева, Донбаська державна машинобудівна академія, м. Краматорськ

старший викладач кафедри економіки підприємства


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