V. Vorotnikov. Features of management competitiveness of innovative production of the enterprises high-tech industries.


  • Віталій Анатолійович Воротніков ДП "КБ "Південне", м. Дніпро, Ukraine




innovative products, competitiveness, management, high-tech industries, intellectual property.


The article considers the improvement of management of the development and production of innovative products in high-tech industries, taking into account the specifics of ensuring the competitiveness of a unique innovative product, which combines the properties of the material component in the form of innovative products and the intangible component in the form of intellectual property. Analysis of existing studies confirms the specificity of ensuring the competitiveness of innovative products in high-tech industries. The purpose of the article is to form the main provisions of the process-based concept of competitiveness management of a unique innovative product of high-tech industries in ensuring the implementation of the strategic goals of the enterprise-developer. The expediency of using the competitiveness management of a unique innovative product as a key element of the enterprise-developer's management is determined and the basic principles of its construction are formulated. The main provisions of the analytical apparatus allowing to assess the competitiveness of a unique innovative product are determined taking into account the high uncertainty of all the main indicators of the development facility, which makes it expedient to use patent-based indicators related to the technical and operational characteristics of the development facility. The novelty of the proposed concept is to determine the principles for constructing indicators of technical-operational and innovative excellence as part of the integral indicator of innovative prospects as a control criterion of competitiveness. Practical utility consists in the possibility to compensate for the uncertainty of the indicators of most key characteristics of the development object in the early stages of the life cycle due to the use of the fuzzy logic apparatus to the analytical tool for determining the competitiveness of a unique innovative product.

Author Biography

Віталій Анатолійович Воротніков, ДП "КБ "Південне", м. Дніпро

начальник сектору патентно-дослідницького відділу


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