О. Lyzunova. Strategic management in the system of providing efficiency of metallurgical enterprises’ activity.


  • Олена Миколаївна Лизунова Індустріальний інститут ДВНЗ «Донецький національний технічний університет», Ukraine




enterprise potential, economic system, technology management, management factors, effectiveness, profit maximization.


The article considers the problems of efficient management of industrial enterprises of the metallurgical industry. The concepts, the categories, conditions and factors of increasing the efficiency of enterprises are analyzed. The paper compares the points of view of Ukrainian and foreign specialists concerning the problem of improving the efficiency of the company. The concept of strategic management of industrial enterprises is investigated. Advantages of increased value of the enterprise as the main criterion of its effectiveness are shown. It is proved that strategic decisions, relevant external and internal conditions of functioning of the enterprise and market, is the main focus of ensuring the effectiveness of the company, and as a result, strategic management is a necessary component for the development of enterprise and increasing its profitability. The article reveals the reasons to develop the strategy activities of metallurgical enterprises under modern conditions of managing. The efficiency of the enterprise activity from the point of view of profitability. Strategic development of the company are focused not only on the profit but also on the development of intellectual potential, maximum use of achievements of scientific and technological progress, environmental protection and other priorities. The work revealed the effective functioning and sustainable development of metallurgical enterprises are negatively influenced by the unsteadiness of the rates of industrial dynamics, high resource intensity of production, low technical and technological level and the rate of renewal of production facilities and the like. The article provides examples of strategies of metallurgical enterprises in Ukraine.

Author Biography

Олена Миколаївна Лизунова, Індустріальний інститут ДВНЗ «Донецький національний технічний університет»

доцент, к.е.н., доцент кафедри менеджменту


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