S. Kalinina, L. Davydyuk. International Сompetitiveness for Human Potential: the Migration Context.


  • Світлана Петрівна Калініна Інститут підготовки кадрів ДСЗУ, м. Київ, Ukraine
  • Людмила Петрівна Давидюк Вінницький торговельно-економічний інститут Київського національного торговельно-економічного університету МОН України, Ukraine




competition, migration, technological innovation, intellectual highly skilled professionals, intellectual capital.


The article considers the issues of activation of the processes of international intellectual migration on the international labour market in the context of manifestations of international competition for human potential. It is emphasized that knowledge becomes an object and a factor of competition and formation of flows of international intellectual migration. Specific features of formation of requirements to the employee with the purpose of ensuring competitiveness of national economies are determined. It is emphasized that at the present stage the problem of regulating the processes of international intellectual migration in the context of preventing losses of human potential is actualized.  As a result of the conducted research, we concluded that a decrease in the state's activity in regulating the processes of intellectual migration can lead to such consequences: the loss of the country's human potential (students in the domestic educational system); strengthening the imbalance in the professional qualification structure of highly skilled workers; Increase in the scale of losses of national intellectual property; underutilization for the national purposes of the professional knowledge which been obtained by intellectuals at different levels of the the Ukrainian educational space.

Author Biographies

Світлана Петрівна Калініна, Інститут підготовки кадрів ДСЗУ, м. Київ

д.е.н., професор

Людмила Петрівна Давидюк, Вінницький торговельно-економічний інститут Київського національного торговельно-економічного університету МОН України



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