Н. Kucherova. Development of the mechanism of public-private partnership in Ukraine on the basis of a matrix of substantive issues.


  • Ганна Юріївна Кучерова Класичний приватний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine




interaction, resources, goals, opportunities, partnership, state, private sector, mechanism.


The article attempts to substantiate the development of the mechanism of public-private partnership in Ukraine based on the use of a matrix of substantive issues. It was noted that in the modern studies of public-private partnerships, the targeted orientation of the participants' activities was not taken into account. The image of the subjects of public-private partnership is proposed to be considered as a cortege of such parameters as: goals, resources, opportunities, which are different for each participant in the partnership. It is noted that the main task of the parties is to optimize the resource provision of problematic issues, as a result of which insufficient attention is paid to expanding opportunities and agreeing on goals. It is proved that precisely the inconsistency of the parties' goals is an obstacle in the formation of an effective mechanism of public-private partnership in Ukraine. The diverse nature of the goals of the partnership participants leads to a destructive distribution of resources and a narrowing of the possibilities for their effective interaction. It was noted that the decision-making on determining the strategic objectives of interaction is carried out on a "top-down" basis, that is, from the state to society, to business, which contradicts the Constitution of Ukraine and the principles of public-private partnership. In order to overcome the inconsistency for the activities of both the state and the private sector, it was suggested to use the methodology for constructing a matrix of substantive issues that makes it possible to assess the impact of decisions taken by the authorities on other actors and to identify gaps between the representation of the authorities on their activities and the vision of the results of this activity of others Parties. The advantages of using a matrix of significant issues include the simultaneous formation of the relevant reality of the objectives of the partnership and the ability to monitor their implementation and ultimate achievement by all parties involved.

Author Biography

Ганна Юріївна Кучерова, Класичний приватний університет, м. Запоріжжя

д.е.н.,  доцент


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