I. Andryushchenko. A conceptual model for ensuring the viability of an industrial enterprise.


  • Ірина Євгенівна Андрющенко Запорізький національний технічний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Україна, Ukraine




industrial enterprise, vitality, stability, reliability, motivation, integral estimation.


The article proposes a conceptual model for ensuring the viability of an industrial enterprise based on the methodology of viability of socio-economic systems, cybernetics, tectology, environics, economic theories (evolution, organization, synergetics (self-organization), life cycle). The conceptual model is based on the scientific and methodological approach to assessing the viability of an industrial enterprise, which is a function of assessing its stability, reliability, survivability and correctness. The author has summarized and proposed a system of indicators characterizing certain components of the viability of an industrial enterprise, as a result, stability is proposed to be determined by the trends of the following coefficients: current liquidity ratio, absolute liquidity ratio, return on equity, net profitability, assets turnover, resource yield, return on assets; Reliability - indicators of financial sustainability; Survivability - the real level of net income, the real level of financial investment, the level of use of investment resources, the level of innovation development, the coefficient of turnover of equity capital; Motivation - indicators of turnover of staff, the coefficient of turnover for the recruitment of personnel, the profitability of staff, the productivity of staff, the level of social security of staff, the growth rate of average wages. Using the method of analyzing the Saati hierarchy, the weight coefficients of the constituent components that ensure the harmony of the structure of an industrial enterprise are determined. For the purpose of justifying the strategy for developing the viability of an industrial enterprise, it was suggested to use scenario modeling, which is based on changing the priority (weight coefficients) of the integral parameters of the enterprise's viability index and using qualitative econometric models. It is proposed to determine the optimal strategy for the development of enterprises in the industrial sector, depending on the level of viability in the conditions of risk on the basis of game theory.

Author Biography

Ірина Євгенівна Андрющенко, Запорізький національний технічний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Україна

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