K. Zavgorodniy. The strategic areas of logistics outsourcing at the regional level.


  • Костянтин Васильович Завгородній Миколаївський національний університет імені В.О. Сухомлинського, Ukraine




strategy of outsourcing, job outsourcing functions and operations outsourcing, logistics outsourcing.


In gender identified and analyzed the main directions of strategic development of logistics outsourcing. When the mind focused logistics outsourcing partner involvement - logistics agent, operator or provider - to provide certain logistics services. Logistics strategy - a long-term, high-quality defined direction of logistics concerning the form and means of implementation in the company cross-functional and inter-organizational coordination and integration formulated by higher management company in accordance with corporate objectives. The concept of logistics outsourcing is lack of necessary use its own resources for the implementation of logistics operations that the organization can entrust an external partner. The range features modern logistics companies is very broad and includes the following processes: delivery of goods to customers in any part of the world; customs clearance customers; receipt of goods for safekeeping at its terminals; providing clients with information about the location of cargo. According highlighted the following services: forwarding, customs clearance services, services of coordination of the procurement process, complex services. With comprehensive services outsourcing as a company contractor serves only major logistics operator that has all the resources necessary to implement logistics business processes across the supply chain of the customer. In constructing and implementing outsourcing schemes of this type can be one of the most important tools not only to optimize supply chain, but also the entire management system. Often outsourcing to transmit transactional, operational, repetitive functions. Less is transmitted to outsourcing of functions related to strategic issues, customer-oriented or related to the intensive use of IT. The successful implementation of the strategy of outsourcing depends largely on the success of the business as a whole: business reputation, the value of its shares on the stock exchanges, the relationship with the partners, customers and competitors, prospects and so on. D. It is important to understand that the company that pays the implementation of logistics functions or operations to outsourcing, risks losing control over the implementation of the functions or operations and costs, and knowledge of market conditions. To effectively implement the strategy of outsourcing logistics needs trust and understanding of contractors, common goals and harmonize policies, mutual participation in decision-making. The prospect of a successful outsourcing - is, above all, commitment to the strategic partnership with specialization partners on its key competencies.

Author Biography

Костянтин Васильович Завгородній, Миколаївський національний університет імені В.О. Сухомлинського



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