O. Bilska. Theoretical-methodological bases of providing controlled social innovation introduction process in the national economy.


  • Ольга Володимирівна Більська Дніпровський національний університет імені О. Гончара, Ukraine




social innovation, the social innovation introduction process, nature, result, social reproduction, information, management, methodological foundations.


The estimation of the degree of elaboration of the problem of the social innovation introduction process in the context of implementation of innovative development models. The article generalises approaches of foreign scientists to the definition of innovation in General and justifies the author's concept of social innovation as materialized solutions that more efficiently modify directly or indirectly selectively fixed institutions and institutions in various sectors of the national economy of the country at the appropriate stage socalizing transformations. Determined that social innovation is a static category and appear in the result of the relevant direction of the process of the social innovation introduction process. It is established that the result of the social innovation introduction processis not social innovation, and not its implementation and the achievement of the desired social change.  Invited to consider the social innovation introduction process as a set of practical actions of the state, legal entities and citizens on the design and implementation of social innovations, the performance of which depends on an objective definition of the sectors of the economy that are in need of socialization in a given time, and ochotorena corresponding social improvements. Focuses on the fact that innovation is of a social nature as a consciously organized innovations to ensure relevant changes in society to enhance social performance in General required a Central trigger for the creation of the motivational field and the change control in the desired direction for the consequences of their implementation. It is established that innovations create field variability of social systems, which can be both natural selection and selective sampling, provide an effective mode of functioning and development. The methodological basis of providing controlled the social innovation introduction process is the allocation on the basis of empirical studies of the zones of admissible changes of parameters of functioning and development of the social system under the influence of the improvement of social institutions and institutions.

Author Biography

Ольга Володимирівна Більська, Дніпровський національний університет імені О. Гончара

доцент кафедри економіки та управління національним господарством, доцент, к.е.н.


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