V. Vashchenko. The study of concepts and categories of recruitment at the industrial enterprises.


  • Валерія Вадимівна Ващенко ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine




recruiting, selection, recruitment, candidates, search process, recruitment.


In conditions of intellectualization of the economy, a special place is occupied by personnel of the enterprise. Important is the issue of staffing, because some scientists and heads of enterprises believe that the basis of effective business is its highly qualified staff. Staffing can be carried out by external organizations (recruitment agencies, recruitment agencies, employment centers) and through internal staff rotation. So, on the one hand, recruitment is the process of creating a database of employees, on the other hand is the creation of the procurement procedures and primary selection, and the third is a business process. Today in the Ukrainian labor market is largely copies the economic mechanisms of the Western countries. Accordingly, expanding the number and variety of instruments in the field of recruitment. To attract workers may either on its own or through third-party organizations, therefore, are increasingly expanding their activities staffing and recruiting Agency agencies, labor exchange. Recruiting has recently entered the Ukrainian labour market and ranked it last place. Although the cost of services is considerable, but the result fully meets the needs of the leaders. Recruiting includes certain technologies of personnel selection and enforcement of ethical principles in relation to job applicants, customers, and colleagues with the recruitment market. Recruiting, before they came to a certain branch in the economy of the country has come a long way of its formation.

Author Biography

Валерія Вадимівна Ващенко, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь



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