Gritsenko S. The impact of digital marketing on the development of educational clusters.


  • Сергій Іванович Гриценко ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



educational services, clusters, communication channels, information technologies.


Importance of digital marketing with new communication channels and information technologies is growing in the global educational space. They encourage development of educational clusters, thanks to which the domestic higher educational establishments will be able to survive in the competitive struggle on the international market of educational services. The educational cluster represents an integral environment of interrelated national and foreign higher educational establishments, departments for education and science of regional public administrations, partner companies, state employment centers, chambers of commerce and industry on the basis of active use of mobile and web technologies. Educational cluster as an integrated structure has a network character, which gives the following advantages: the ability to obtain scale effect and synergy; intensification of information exchange encouraging the renewal of knowledge, skills, technologies; possibility of cost saving. Within the educational clusters, the necessary resources must be provided for the implementation of the dual education system in the training of marketing specialists, and new initiatives to be supported for creating platforms that allow using advantages of digital technologies. New forms of labour organization that that are widely practised as «borrowed labor» (personnel of an external organization) have received the general term «outstaffing». Educational cluster allows breaking barriers of interdepartmental isolation of its subjects, to orient them on cooperation of marketing theorists with company practices.

Author Biography

Сергій Іванович Гриценко, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь

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