A. Chechel. The environmental component in assessing the competitiveness of the regions as a condition for sustainable regional development.


  • Анна Олександрівна Чечель Донецький державний університет управління, Ukraine




environmental competitiveness, region, environmental management, environmental factors, environmental image, environmental and economic indicators, sustainable development.


In this article, it is proved that the environmental factors, along with economic and social impact, play a significant role in assessing the competitiveness of the territory, so in terms of sustainable development it is appropriate to supplement the existing methodological approaches in ranking the regional competitiveness with the calculations of the ecological-economic indicators. It is determined that the management of ecological competitiveness of a region serves to provide recognition of environmentally positive image of the territory where the area key parameters should become indicators of growth competitiveness, taking into account the environmental factors. Formation of image of the region, taking into account the environmental component, will help to accumulate financial flows of domestic and foreign investments to develop environmentally competitive production. The proposed scientific and methodical approach to determine the level of competitiveness of the territory could be used taking into account the environmental component. This approach unlike others, is based on calculations which determine the relative environmental and economic indicators which assess the impact of environmental pollution on the competitiveness of the region (the indicator of the full use of water resources, the indicator of the open type cycles of water use,  the indicator of external effects of production on the atmosphere, the indicator of waste generation in the production processes) and indicators of efficiency of use of financial instruments as part of the environmental activities and optimization of the use of nature (the indicator of the financing of the industrial revitalization by enterprises in the volume of sales, the indicator of the share of environmental penalties in the volume of sales, and the indicator of the environmental costs of production in the volume of sales).

Author Biography

Анна Олександрівна Чечель, Донецький державний університет управління

доктор економічних наук,  доцент, завідувач кафедри публічного управління та адміністрування


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