Yu. Remyha. Importance of innovative approach at supply chain management in modern conditions.


  • Юлія Сергіївна Ремига Національний авіаційний університет, м. Київ, Ukraine




innovation, innovation process, innovative approach, supply chain, logistics system, supply chain management strategy, enterprise, globalization.


The author analyzed the nature and importance of the innovative approach to supply chain management. It was established that the concept of "innovation" has many options for its interpretation, but all the inherent common characteristics. Formulated that innovation is appropriate and beneficial change in the activities of any company, this change should provide an opportunity to get practical use and useful result. It is noted that innovation in the logistics business is an essential tool for achieving the goals of development, resulting in increasing the efficiency of its operations. The authors also determined that the supply chain as a market-oriented concept allows to increase the flexibility and adaptability of innovation enterprises to changes in environmental conditions, and provides the opportunity to implement innovative potential of enterprise optimal way and harmonization of oppositely operating purposes, which may occur in the enterprise . The study author concluded that the integration of logistics processes and innovative management providing for appropriate hierarchical integration, covering a full range of structural and content within the enterprise market transactions between its partners. This can be done through a combination of innovation management and supply chain management principles that define the innovation strategy of the enterprise in modern conditions of globalization of markets.

Author Biography

Юлія Сергіївна Ремига, Національний авіаційний університет, м. Київ

к.е.н., доцент кафедри логістики, заступник декана факультету транспортних технологій


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