Raisa A. Aleksandrova. Secondary energy resources of ferrous metallurgy and their use.


  • Раїса Ананіївна Александрова ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3675-8652




a byproduct of waste products, thermal energy, gas, slag, fuel resources.


In the presented article the analysis of basic metallurgical production process stages and possibilities of using secondary energy resources in the further manufacture is executed. The analysis has showed that the enterprises of the mining and steel complex are not only large consumers of fuel and energy, but also powerful sources of secondary energy resources, including fuel or energy of various types and parameters that are formed as a by-product or waste of technological processes. Gases (blast furnace, coke oven, converter, ferroalloy) are formed as by-products, thermal energy and potential energy of waste gases are presented in the form of energy, gases that are formed during the main product manufacture (flue gases emitted during fuel combustion in the kilns and heating furnaces) and slags (blast furnace, open-hearth furnace, converter, electric steel-smelting) are in the form of waste. All these gases are secondary energy resources, and slags are a source of thermal secondary energy resources. In addition to slags the finished product is the source of thermal secondary energy which is the physical heat of coke, pig iron, steel, rolled products, agglomerate, lime, etc. Their effective use provides a significant reduction in the use of purchased energy carriers. Based on the analysis of formation of secondary energy resources on the main metallurgical production process stages, methods for their further use in production have been proposed.

Author Biography

Раїса Ананіївна Александрова, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь

к.т.н., доцент


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