L. Filipishina. Improvement of the system of salaries and stimulation of structural units at enterprises.


  • Лілія Михайлівна Філіпішина ППІ НУК імені адмірала Макарова, м. Первомайськ, Ukraine




limit of financial resources, index of personal labour contribution, self-sustained budget, labour stimulation.


At present turnover of employees is one of the main problems for functioning and development of corporate business. According to the forecast, it can increase up to 23-24%, by 2020, that is, more than 190 million employees all over the world will change their jobs. Employeesloyalty is a factor restraining the turnover of employees and the most important criterion of an enterprise healthy development. The effect can be achieved by introducing incentives and moral stimuli aimed at increasing employees’ interest in improving the results of their work. One of such measures should be implementation of the system of salaries in separate production units on the self-sustained budget, based on the limit of financial resources allocated to ensure the fulfillment of the functional duties this unit is entrusted with. The offered limit should be adjusted according to the indices, taken into consideration while assessing the specific unit’s activity. We suggest using the index of personal labour contribution, which will help to assess each employee’s contribution to the cumulative results of the unit activity more correctly. The index is established between 0,75 and 1,25. It is also important to provide the enterprise staff with actual information about the assessment of their activities and the activity of the unit they work in and the enterprise on the whole.

Author Biography

Лілія Михайлівна Філіпішина, ППІ НУК імені адмірала Макарова, м. Первомайськ

к. е. н., доцент кафедри економіки та організації виробництва


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