Коzlova V. Y. Information technologies in the conditions of strategy of reformation of higher education in Ukraine.


  • Вікторія Янівна Козлова ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0423-6112




reform of education, information technologies, mass open on-line courses, IT-infrastructure, IT-companies.


In the article research of «Strategy of reformation of higher education is conducted in Ukraine» in the cut of introduction of  ІТ- infrastructures. It is reasonable, that this process is accompanied by substantial changes in a pedagogical theory and practice of educational process, related to making alteration in maintenance of technologies educating that must be adequate to modern economic feasibilities. Information technologies are called to become a not additional «make-weight» in educating and by inalienable part of integral educational process, a considerably step-up his efficiency. It is important to put right a collaboration between ІТ- companies and institutions of higher learning. Specialists from ІТ-companies it will be given possibility not only to shorten terms of introduction of ІТ-projects and to promote an economic return from them, but also to give a push to development that is provided by the correctly chosen strategy on a distant prospect. Institutions of higher learning need support from the side of business. There must be the mixed financing, plus a transmission in institutions of higher learning on gratuitous basis and without the licensed limitations of software of those firms that want to move forward the software at the Ukrainian market. Such experience is already, and he is necessary to be extended. From the side the state must finance the infrastructural projects of institutions of higher learning, creation of centers of the collective use and situational centers,  of  to execute the role of catalyst of translation of educational process on a new infrastructural and technological level.

Author Biography

Вікторія Янівна Козлова, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь

к.е.н., доцент


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