T. Derevianko. Current approaches to estimation efficiency and potential opportunities of enterprises.


  • Тамара Дерев'янко ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1199-0324




estimate, efficiency, innovation potential, innovative constituent, legislative support.


The article describes the main characteristics of modern scorecard evaluation results and business potential. Made conclusions regarding the flexibility of these systems and their closer adaptation to the peculiarities of modern management philosophy. The economy of Ukraine and the processes of integration into the European Union facilitate the transition of domestic business to new standards of performance evaluation of enterprises. It is noted that in the current business valuation systems that occur in the innovation economy, there was a displacement from the center of the impact of monetary indicators by non-monetary indicators. Non-monetary indicators to demonstrate how the company plans achieve its monetary value indicators. Given the characteristics of the global and domestic economy, proposed in the indicators system to measure business results separate component  that reflecting innovation activity and innovation potential of domestic business. This approach is justified by the fact that Ukraine is gradually included into the European Union and has to compete with innovative business in Western countries. Noted a significant impact on domestic enterprises innovate legislative component. Also noted that the tax laws of developed economies sufficiently loyal to companies that are constantly introducing innovations. Therefore in system of indicators characterizing the innovative potential was proposed legislative component to set apart. Previously investigated indicators innovative capacity steel plant showed a low value of its integrated indicator that is a shortage funding result and not fully developed external innovation infrastructure. Entering the legislative component of the system of indicators to measure innovative potential of further reduce its quantitative value that more accurately reflect the level of innovative potential of the domestic industry.

Author Biography

Тамара Дерев'янко, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь

к.е.н., доцент кафедри інноватики та управління


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