T. Schestakowa. Development of the HR strategy of large industrial enterprises in the East of Ukraine in the conditions of crisis.


  • Тетяна Михайлівна Шестакова Приазовський державний технічний університет, м. Маріуполь, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3369-9738




the staff, strategy, optimization of the number, dismissal, retrenchment.


The article discusses some aspects of formation of personnel strategy of large industrial enterprises. It is noted that in modern conditions the decisive factor of increase of competitiveness of the enterprise is strategic management, one of the main components of which is human resources strategy. The article identified the following factors responsible for the enhancement of the role of personnel management in industrial enterprises of Eastern Ukraine: the growth of unemployment as a result of the crisis phenomena in the economy; a significant influence of industrial enterprises, most of which are city-forming, socio-political and economic processes in the region; increasing social tensions caused by unemployment, military action. It is indicated that, despite adequate study of this subject, in the formation of personnel strategy, not enough attention is paid to issues of strategic control optimization of staff, determination of strategic directions of downsizing. The proposed scheme of formation of personnel strategy, it is recommended to develop a separate unit, including the direction of work on optimization of number of personnel. Identified five stages in the process of workforce optimization: preparatory, informational, consulting, support, eliminate the negative effects of layoffs. Detail specific activities for the organization of work with the laid off, fired workers and the remaining staff. With regard to foreign experience, its major industrial enterprises are encouraged to develop a program of «Alumni network». Recommended to enter the position «expert on employment», to form a formalised and documented system of relations based on a single information platform − information on dismissed workers not to remove from database data on staffing enterprise, as is currently the case, and to allocate a separate array of data.

Author Biography

Тетяна Михайлівна Шестакова, Приазовський державний технічний університет, м. Маріуполь

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