N.Obukhova, V. Sudnitsina. Modern trends in the coal market.


  • Наталя Олександрівна Обухова ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine
  • Вікторія Михайлівна Судніцина Приазовський державний технічний університет, м. Маріуполь, Ukraine




development of the coal industry, world consumption of coal.


In this work addressing industry composition of coal consumers, world coal consumption. The main customers include: electricity, cement, pulp and paper, chemical industry, metallurgy. The world's largest consumer of coal is China and the United States. Demand for thermal coal continues to rise in some Asian countries with rapid population growth and electricity demand. Along with traditional importers (Japan, South Korea and Taiwan) import steam coal also expand Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines. Projected global trade in coal for 20 years will increase by about 25%, but the competition in this market remain acute. The current state of the coal industry in Ukraine remains unsatisfactory seen falling coal production while forecasting the development of these trends in the future. Low technical level of coal production, a significant depreciation of fixed assets, lack of financial resources to update them; poor logistics are the main factors that hinder the development of this industry in Ukraine. The strategic course of Ukraine is aimed at taking the country to the level of the maximum energy independence in 2025 due to energy saving and maximum diversification of primary energy. The strategic aim of the coal industry is in need of preserving the existing production potential field conditions for its renewal and efficiency of operation. The analysis also problems of the coal industry in Ukraine. The current state of the coal industry. Noted general trends coal industries around the world. Are possible ways to achieve the strategic goal of the industry.

Author Biographies

Наталя Олександрівна Обухова, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь

старший викладач кафедри маркетингу та бізнес-адміністрування 

Вікторія Михайлівна Судніцина, Приазовський державний технічний університет, м. Маріуполь

студентка групи БА-16-М


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