M. Uzun, P. Burak. Forming the staff motivation system at an enterprise.


  • Михайло Валентинович Узун Адміністрація морських портів України, Ukraine
  • Павло Бурак ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine




motivation, motivation and stimulation system, key efficiency indices, methods of stimulating the staff.


The theoretical and methodological prerequisites for working out a system of motivating the staff’s innovative activities have been defined. The conceptmotivationhas been specified considering innovative changes in the modern economy. The analysis of the existing practices at domestic enterprises has shown that the employees getting a fixed salary are focused only on doing formally  what is in their job description and are not at all motivated to develop, to improve quality and effectiveness of the work done, to increase the volume of operations performed. At the same time development strategies of all modern enterprises contemplate the increase in volume and quality of produce and services, and the increase of efficiency. All of that is expected from their employees. In this case it seems only logical to work out a motivation system, which will be able to tie employees’ salary to the results achieved. The study of enterprise activities has shown that one of the effective methods for stimulating the staff is the motivation system based on applying КPI. The forms of motivating project groups are: bonuses for the fulfilled project which are corrected according to the result of implementing main KPI for this phase or the whole project; fixed bonuses in the form of interest on profits; bonuses on phases of the project realization. Key efficiency indices of innovative activities are assigned to levels and staff groups, responsible for their realization. That gives an opportunity to ensure control of current and long-term indices; to assess personal effectiveness of each employee, to orientate the staff at achieving necessary results; ensure collective and individual responsibility for the results of the enterprise activity.

Author Biographies

Михайло Валентинович Узун, Адміністрація морських портів України

к. е. н., старший інспектор служби економічної та внутрішньої безпеки

Павло Бурак, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет»

студент гр. БА-16-м


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