Psareva I. Innovatively-ability investment as an enterprise activity element effective enterprises.




investment resources, investment capacity, investment project, innovation process, return on investment.


The purpose of this article is to solve the scientific problem of mobilization and effective use of investment by stimulating investment activity, forming a clear investment strategy, identifying its priority areas. The relevance of the topic is determined by the importance of the investment policy in the company's activities, which has a significant impact on its position in the market. To achieve this goal, a study was conducted of the investment policy at the enterprise in modern conditions, and the main problems of attracting investments were considered, with the example of Ukrainian and Western companies. Economic studies show that the outflow of capital from the country has a negative impact on the economic state of the enterprise. Prospects for the successful development of the country's economy depend on the renewal of enterprises on a modern scientific and technological basis. There is a need to improve the quality of products, which will make it competitive not only in the domestic, but also in the external markets. Current trends in the development of the Ukrainian economy show that the purpose of attracting investment is very acute for enterprises. Increasing the risk of investment complicates the choice of the most accessible ways of financing, requires the implementation of effective protective measures. Nevertheless, foreign investors are not in a hurry to invest their investments in Ukrainian enterprises. This is primarily due to the unfavorable investment climate in the country.

Author Biography

Ірина Сергіївна Псарьова, ДВНЗ «ПДТУ», Маріуполь

к.т.н., доцент кафедри економіки підприємств


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