Zaika Y. The main trends and dynamics of the domestic enterprises of the industry.


  • Юлія Андріївна Заіка ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



industrial enterprise, trend, analysis, performance, dynamics of performance, innovation, development.


Conducted a systematic study of the complex problems of domestic industrial enterprises and the preconditions and ways to further their balanced development. The analysis showed that the activity of the industrial enterprises despite the positive indicators of the volume of production is not sufficiently efficient and effective and does not have sufficient growth potential yield primarily due to a lack of focus on innovation and adaptation to changes in the external environment, i.e., adaptation ability. According to the results of the analysis revealed in the whole country the trend of reorientation of Ukraine's economy from industrial to agricultural. Lost positions on the world markets of engineering and benefits from the presence in these markets, to some extent due to the unfavorable conjuncture of the markets of steel consumption in recent years, but more because of the decline in the competitiveness of industrial enterprises, the inadequacy of their economic behavior challenges and the dynamics of the global market environment, despite the positive trends of the past in the production of industrial enterprises in the country (indicators in national currency), the situation is complex, assuming a real cost of production, being sold in foreign currency including in foreign markets. So, the General economic and social political issues and deterring factors of the economic dynamics of domestic industrial enterprises limit their sustainable development and competitiveness in the domestic and international markets, it is important to identify and describe these factors and study their impact on the economic performance of these enterprises.

Author Biography

Юлія Андріївна Заіка, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь

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