Shlapak N., Solokha D., Serkutan T., Bieliakova O. Methodological framework for the assessment of innovative economic development on synergetic principles.
еconomics, synergetic approach, governance, development, socio-economic system, innovation.Abstract
The article examines the implementation of the synergetic approach to the evaluation of innovative potential of the regional socio-economic systems. Consideration of the value of the use of synergetic approach to solve the problem of management of development of socio-economic systems related to the definition of the ratio between synergistic and traditional economy. It is indicated that a synergistic economy offers a new direction regarding the explanation of complex economic phenomena, to which in particular applies to the management of potential socio-economic system in conditions of unstable market environment. Fundamental difference of synergetic Economics is that it emphasizes a non-linear forms of economic evolutionary process of instability and structural changes. The basis of the proposed scientific concept put particular importance and need to integrate potential social and economic system, a complex system set that ensures its sustainable development. It is shown that the strategic potential should be analysed as a system of functional relations between constituent subsystems of the actual level of capacity and normative level of capacity development. Presents the system of formation of the real potential of the socio-economic system as a hierarchical set of characteristics. The feature of calculating the potential is its definition in terms of qualitative and quantitative indicators and ratios synergy that will allow you to comprehensively assess the level of potential.
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