Patoshina G. Investigation of the dynamics of foreign trade in goods in Donetsk region.


  • Галина Миколаївна Патошина ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



export, import, structural changes, foreign trade turnover, balance, geographical structure, product structure, growth.


The prospects and problems of development of foreign economic activity of Donetsk region for the period of 2013 - 2016 are studied in the article. The region’s place and role in the development of foreign economic complex of Ukraine are determined. The main directions of the development strategy of Donetsk region until 2020 are highlighted. The dynamics of volume indicators of foreign economic relations in Donetsk region during the period of the antiterrorist operation has been studied. It has been revealed that a decrease in production volumes due to the destruction or damage of fixed assets, the disruption of production links and the low competitiveness of goods in European markets are the main reasons for the reduction of the region's foreign trade turnover. Quantitative and structural changes in export and import of goods, including those compared with 2013 are considered. The analysis of geographical structure and structural shifts in the region’s export and import of goods in the context of countries and continents is made. Priority directions of development of foreign economic relations of Donetsk region are determined taking into account world experience and features of its modern development. Based on the results of the research, conclusions about the region's high dependence on foreign trade, the need for diversification of commodity markets, the elimination

Author Biography

Галина Миколаївна Патошина, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь

старший викладач


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