O. Tarasevich. Motivation of labor of personnel of industrial enterprises on the basis of improvement of the system of social and labor relations.


  • Олена Вікторівна Тарасевич Інститут економіко-правових досліджень НАН України, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6016-3608




motivation, labor remuneration, personnel, industrial enterprises, improvement, social and labor relations, system.


The article substantiates the necessity of strengthening the motivation of labor of the personnel of industrial enterprises, as well as the necessity to improve the system of social and labor relations at enterprises of Ukraine. The problems of the current state of the system of payment and motivation of labor at the state level and at the enterprise level are considered in the light of the development of the system of social and labor relations. It is concluded that in modern conditions of economic development of Ukraine the main measures of solving this problem are modernization of social and labor relations, connected with payment of labor and ensuring full and productive employment, reproduction of human capital.

Author Biography

Олена Вікторівна Тарасевич, Інститут економіко-правових досліджень НАН України

виконуючий обов`язки завідувача відділом економіко-правових проблем містознавства, кандидат економічних наук, доцент


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