M. Belopolsky, O. Kuzmina. The mechanism of strategic management of balanced development of an industrial enterprise.


  • Микола Григорович Белопольський ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9312-6953
  • Олена Валеріївна Кузьміна ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3542-1799




balanced development, strategic management, mechanism, elements, principles, evaluation, alternatives.


The article deals with the mechanism of strategic management of balanced development of an industrial enterprise, which is presented in the form of a tuple of parameters: elements of the mechanism of strategic management of a balanced development of an industrial enterprise; links between the elements of the mechanism of strategic management of the balanced development of an industrial enterprise; the period in which the investigated system is isolated from the external environment. The proposed mechanism is based on a set of principles, which include the following: balanced development, systemic, emergence, adaptability, rationality, constant improvement, self-development, self-organization, vitality. The purpose of the mechanism is to make management decisions to assess the degree of achievement and timely correction of the degree of balance of development of an industrial enterprise through the gradual improvement of business processes in accordance with the provisions of the theory of balanced development and the principles underlying the model. Perfection involves the assessment and identification of the degree of balance of the functioning of the industrial enterprise system on the basis of the use of appropriate methods and the formation of a standard. The obtained image of the system of functioning of business processes of an industrial enterprise is subject to environmental restrictions within its business processes in accordance with a set of criteria for sustainability and the principles of sustainable development. Perfection is ensured by the system of providing a balanced development of an industrial enterprise, the subsystems of which are: organizational, information, resource, technological and regulatory support. As a result of the improvement of the proposed mechanism, it is the growing levels of targets and benchmarks. Comparing the image of the current state of functioning of the system with the reference one, the degree of achievement of the balanced development of the industrial enterprise is estimated, the results of which are the basis for making managerial decisions regarding further changes and correction of the functioning and development of the industrial enterprise system. The characteristics of the main elements of the mechanism give grounds for forming alternatives to achieve a balanced development of industrial enterprises on the basis of strategic management tools. A qualitative characteristic of the elements of the proposed mechanism was made, as a result of which their shortcomings in functioning and development prospects were determined, which allowed us to characterize the general situation from a practical point of view.

Author Biographies

Микола Григорович Белопольський, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет»

завідувач кафедри обліку і аудиту, віце-президент Академії економічних наук України, голова спеціалізованої вченої ради Д 12.052.02, д. е. н., професор

Олена Валеріївна Кузьміна, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь

аспірант кафедри обліку і аудиту


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