V. Halasiuk. Operational Indicators Estimating the Level of Welfare in Ukraine.


  • Віктор Валерійович Галасюк Комітет Верховної Ради України з питань промислової політики та підприємництва, м. Київ, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1617-326X




indicators of economic development, final consumer spending, households, government sector, economic development.


The article deals with a system of macroeconomic indicators that enable a comprehensive analysis of the state and dynamics of the national economy development in order to implement an effective governmental economic policy. A number of indicators which determine the country's economic dynamics have been structured according to how the affect: final consumption expenditures of households (unemployment rate, average income available, average wage and pension, inflation, share of savings), gross accumulation (foreign direct investments, budget investments, private investments, corporate investments, credit investments), net exports (exports of goods and services, imports of goods and services, the share of high-tech exports, the share of processing industry in exports), final consumer expenditures of state (government consumption expenditure, the share of government debt in GDP, state budget expenditures on debt service, fiscal deficit). Based on the outlined methodology, the current state and dynamics of Ukraine’s national economic system development are analyzed. It has been ascertained that the domestic economy needs urgent professional diagnostics, intensive care and accelerated development on the basis of effective state regulation. The necessity of strengthening the role of the government in forming the preconditions and stimuli for the Ukraine’s national economy development is substantiated. The idea of creating a "dashboard" as a tool for tracking the main macroeconomic indicators for optimization and adjustment of governmental economic policy is suggested.

Author Biography

Віктор Валерійович Галасюк, Комітет Верховної Ради України з питань промислової політики та підприємництва, м. Київ

к. е. н., Голова Комітету


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