I. Perevozova, I. Popadinets, D. Perevozova. Analysis of structure of the goods assortment to the construction supply superstore.
product, price, competitor, efficiency, poll.Abstract
The article shows the analysis of saturation of the market of building materials by products is made. It is established that high quality of goods and efficiency of assortment groups of the construction supply superstore gives an opportunity to receive stable profits and to be a leader. For a detailed analysis of the product range, the matrix "McKinsey" is used, which is characterized by two factors: market attractiveness and competitiveness. The product range should be considered in a complex, that is, with other constituent elements: price, sale, promotion. Since the company is not a monopolist on the market, in order to improve the efficiency of the analysis, compare the above figures compared with its main competitors. Also, this analysis allows you to rank competitors in the market of building materials. An effective tool for diagnosing demand for product assortment is sociological research. Polls of buyers in the construction supply superstore are carried out quite often on the basis of the authors questionnaire, which is formed from such factors as the composition of consumers of these goods (by age); consumer behavior when buying; factors affecting the purchase decision. Consequently, the analysis of the product range is relevant both for the consumer and for the construction supply superstore. Because, for the first, it is harsh that the seller takes into account his individual demand for products, and for the second - the well-formed product line will allow you to receive growing profits and a permanent buyer.
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