Ye. Orlovskiy. Defining the target group of Ukrainian regions for implementation the programs of ecologic residential building development.


  • Євген Сергійович Орловський ДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури», м. Дніпро, Ukraine



regions, target groups, sustainable development, aggregative capital, reproduction of dwelling assets, aggregative indices, Genuine Saving Index, Genuine Resources of Reproduction Index.


The actuality of definition of address groups of territories – the objects of economic policy of ecological construction has been shown in the article. The expediency of the use of sustainable development indices for these purposes has been proved. The author has made a comparative assessment of the existing indices of sustainable development; the advantages of using those which are expressed in absolute values, and therefore may be easily compared and interpreted, has been found out. The use of the World Bank index "genuine savings" as one that clearly reflects the build-up (expanded reproduction) of the aggregated capital of the regions (social, economic and environmental), has been taken as the basis for the author’s index creating. The methodical approach of adaptation of the given index for the meso-level (regional level) of making managerial decisions has been proposed. The replacement of the indicator of savings, which is an element of national accounts and absent at the regional level of the statistical information collection for a set of investment indicators of a capital nature is the main feature of the proposed approach. The author characterizes this set of indicators as the total reproduction resources which are proposed to be reduced by the amount of damage from the depletion of natural and human capital. This has allowed substantiating and calculating the author’s index of «genuine reproduction resources» as well as making a comparative assessment of the regions of Ukraine by this index. On the basis of the obtained results the target group of regions for introduction of programs of development of ecological housing construction, has been grounded.

Author Biography

Євген Сергійович Орловський, ДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури», м. Дніпро



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