A. Lisovyi, Z. Smutchak. State policy of management of migration processes in the context of stabilization of national economy.


  • Андрій Васильович Лісовий Університет державної фіскальної служби України, м. Ірпінь, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1928-3138
  • Зінаїда Василівна Смутчак Кіровоградська льотна академія Національного авіаційного університету, м. Кіровоград, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6079-9227




external migrations, internal migrations, inter-regional migrations, the forced mass internal migratory resettlements, interstate migrations, foreign labor migrations, migratory threats to national security, migratory challenges, state policy.


The methodological and practical aspects of improving the management of intensive interstate and internal migratory processes, the negative consequences of which are threatening the national economy are disclosed. Today migratory processes in Ukraine differently exert its influence in its demographic development, national economy, European and world markets, social and national security. This circumstance becomes especially urgent, as Ukraine has signed the Association Agreement with the European Union. The analysis and taking into account the current migration trends in our country in the context of Ukraine's participation in the European and world migratory space is considered as one of the important factors in the formation of state policy. Attention is emphasized on the tasks of the state migratory policy, ways and methods of regulation of external migrations of the population. The proposals on effective promising measures of the state policy of Ukraine on the ordering of migration processes are formulated. The decisive role in regulating labour migratory processes as a whole in Ukraine and in its individual regions belongs to the management of social and economic factors, such as conditions of life and work of people that may change as a result of redistribution of capital investments, wages funds, public funds consumption. It should be noted that under current conditions, the implementation of active demographic and migratory policy will be successful when the volumes, directions and structure of migratory flows and their regional peculiarities will be taken into account. Every year, the number of Ukrainian migrants increases. Ukraine is considered to be one of the largest donor countries of human resources. The problem is that in our country there is no statistics on the actual number of Ukrainian citizens who are abroad. There is also no real data on migration volumes. That fact distorts the picture of migratory processes in Ukraine, makes it impossible to regulate them effectively and requires more attention from the government on this problem, which determines the prospects for further research.

Author Biographies

Андрій Васильович Лісовий, Університет державної фіскальної служби України, м. Ірпінь

завідувач кафедри аудиту та економічного аналізу, доктор економічних наук, професор

Зінаїда Василівна Смутчак, Кіровоградська льотна академія Національного авіаційного університету, м. Кіровоград

доцент кафедри менеджменту, економіки та права, кандидат економічних наук, доцент


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