O. Dymchenko, V. Beliavtseva. Innovative policy in the infrastructure sector of the region.


  • Олена Володимирівна Димченко Харківський національний університет міського господарства ім. О.М. Бекетова, Ukraine
  • Вікторія Володимирівна Белявцева Харківська обласна державна адміністрація, Ukraine




housing and communal services reforming, investment innovations, infrastructure of the region, innovation and investment policy of the region.


An important condition for the effective functioning of the region as an economic system is the creation and continuous improvement of effective infrastructure in order to provide innovative development both for regions and for the state as a whole. The analysis of the peculiarities of the interaction of economic actors at the regional level indicates a significant slowdown in regional development due to the highly inefficient use of resources and the lack of conditions for substantiation and implementation of innovative projects, which in turn leads to deepening of the economic crisis, which is aggravated by the disproportionality of the development of various regions of Ukraine. In order to solve the problems connected with the provision of innovative development of the regions of our country, it is necessary first of all to pay special attention to the development of housing and communal services, as an industry, functioning of which provides basic needs of citizens. Based on the identification and analysis of the negative factors that hamper the functioning of Kharkiv and other regions of Ukraine, practical recommendations for realizing the potential of regions through integrated infrastructure development are proposed on the basis of providing conditions for the innovation activity of business entities in the regions. Particular attention is paid to the study of the prospects of housing and communal services as an important component of the regional economy. Also, a complex of methodical support for the improvement of the mechanism of management of innovative development of the region is proposed, implementation of which will help to neutralize the negative impact of internal and external factors on the functioning of both the housing and communal services sector and the regions as a whole. In order to provide innovative development of the regions of Ukraine, a cognitive map of the development of a modern model of innovation and investment policy in the region has been developed, which allows improving the quality of management at the regional level.

Author Biographies

Олена Володимирівна Димченко, Харківський національний університет міського господарства ім. О.М. Бекетова

д. е. н., проф., завідувач кафедри економіки підприємств, бізнес-адміністрування та регіонального розвитку

Вікторія Володимирівна Белявцева, Харківська обласна державна адміністрація

керівник апарату


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