G. Shvets. Peculiarities of intellectual potential of the enterprise.


  • Галина Олексіївна Швець ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6798-425X




intellectual potential, intellectual capital, personnel, competitiveness, mechanism, structure, evaluation.


The article defines the concept of "intellectual potential" by scientists. The shortcomings of these intellectual potential interpretations are identified. The aspects of intellectual potential are listed and solved. The structure of the intellectual potential of the enterprise is presented, which consists of the following elements: intellectual capital of the enterprise, efficiency of the use of intellectual capital, the possibility of future development of the enterprise. The levels of intellectual potential (macro level, meso-level, micro level, personal level) are characterized in these directions: main characteristics and basic means of formation and development. The mechanism of formation of the intellectual potential of the enterprise, which consists of the following elements: goals,  principles, functions, methods, managerial decisions, is revealed. An approach is presented V.Volikova’s approach to assessment of intellectual potential was depicted, consisting of the following stages: definition of problems of the formation and use of intellectual potential and their specification, preparation for the assessment of intellectual potential, information gathering and calculation of indicators, determination of the effectiveness of the use of intellectual potential and the formation of measures of its improving. Represented was the approach of O. Mikhailova to assessment of intellectual potential, that includes the following stages: audit of intellectual potential of the company, assessment (quantitative measurement) of intellectual potential and its components, setting up of management accounting of intellectual potential, with subsequent formation of appropriate reporting, knowledge management personnel.

Author Biography

Галина Олексіївна Швець, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет», м. Маріуполь

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