O. Laktionova. Study of development trends of outsourcing financial services, financial outsourcing services and digital technologies in international practice, Ukraine's position.


  • Ольга Юхимівна Лактіонова ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний университет» МОН України, м. Маріуполь, Ukraine




financial services, outsourcing, digitalization, cloud computing.


Abstract. The article explores the segments of the intelligent services market, including outsourcing services (A & FS), financial outsourcing services (F & S), which are dynamically developing in sectoral terms. It is revealed that cloud technologies allow to considerably reduce expenses for use of software and personnel for its maintenance, including in various sectors of the economy, which are transmitted to outsourcing. In conjunction with financial outsourcing, these costs are shrinking even more, increasing the efficiency of financial activity and the competitiveness of clients of financial outsourcing services. They are most actively used in the Americas region where the share of services using cloud technologies has reached 49%. In a global comparison, the region of America accounts for 60% of all services using cloud-based technology. This suggests the high efficiency of cloud technology on a large scale. The active use of cloud-based technologies also begins in the EMEA region. Their share is 32% and with each passing year the share is increasing, which implies an increase in the demand for services of cloud technologies and, accordingly, the effectiveness of their application. In a global comparison, the share of the EMEA region is 26%. It has been discovered that it is in outsourcing financial services that cloud technologies are most widely used in international practice. There is a double effect in the organization and management of the economy of the country, the first from the use of financial outsourcing services, the second from the use of digital technologies. Such organization of financial management of clients of financial outsourcing services, including with the use of cloud technologies, will significantly improve the efficiency of business entities in Ukraine, contribute to the development of the country's economy.

Author Biography

Ольга Юхимівна Лактіонова, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний университет» МОН України, м. Маріуполь

к. е. н., доцент, доцент кафедри фінансів і банківської справи


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1. M. May.Transforming the finance function. FT (Finance Times), An imprint of Pearson Education. London, New York. - 232 р.- 2005

2. J. Heywood. The Outsourcing Dilemma. The Search for Competitive-ness. An imprint of Pearson Education. London, New York. - 176 р.- 2004

3. Global Sourcing and As-a-Service Market Insights Hosted by: Joe Foresi, Cantor Fitzgerald January 10, 2018

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