B. Kargin. New approaches to solving information problems in the economy and commerce.


  • Борис Борисович Каргин ГВУЗ «ПГТУ», Мариуполь, Ukraine




information task, neural network, analysis, intelligence, dignity, economics, perspective, technology.


The paper considers new, perspective approaches to solving information problems. It is noted that traditional approaches give way to completely new and more modern areas such as neural networks. The concept of artificial neural networks is given. The advantages of using neural networks are analyzed, they are shown how they work, where they are applied, the prospects for their use in the near future. It is shown that the results of the operation of a properly trained neural network greatly exceed traditional methods of information processing. It has been established that neural networks are currently introduced into the activities of most companies operating in a technological environment, and in the very near future they will become firmly established in the lives of most ordinary people. It is noted that artificial neural networks are nothing more than a mathematical model in its materially technical or software embodiment, created on the model and likeness of the nerve cells of a living organism. By and large, we can say that the modern neural network is a mechanism of the human brain that has been recreated in the machine with its huge number of neurons. It is shown that the main advantage and feature of neural networks is their learning ability. Areas of application of neural networks are given. It is pointed out that neural networks are one of the technologies of the 21st century that will set the trend for the development of society in the coming decades. That is why today it is very important to understand what changes this will bring in the life of society and the economy, what will be reflected in each of the people living in our time. It is pointed out that in the near future qualitative transformations of existing information technologies are planned, which should lead to an increase in business activity and an even greater shift in the world economy towards the information space in all spheres of human activity.

Author Biography

Борис Борисович Каргин, ГВУЗ «ПГТУ», Мариуполь

аспирант кафедры инноватики и управления


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2. Artificial Intelligens Problems and Their Solutions, автор D. Copec, S. Shetty, C. Pileggi, 2014 [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа https://www.tutorialspoint.com/artificial intelligence/artificial intelligence neural network s.htm

3. Нейронные сети для начинающих. Часть 1 Amis71, 2016. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа https://habrahabr.ru/post/312450/

4. Искусственные нейронные сети простыми словами, tmteam, 2016. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа https://geektimes.ru/post/277088/


1.Neural Networks and Deep Learning,автор Michael Nielsen , December 2017 [Electronic resource]. Access mode http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/

2. Artificial Intelligens Problems and Their Solutions, author D. Copec, S. Shetty, C. Pileggi, 2014 [Electronic resource]. Access mode https://www.tutorialspoint.com/artificial intelligence/artificial intelligence neural network s.htm

3. Neural networks for beginners. Part 1 Amis71, 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode https://habrahabr.ru/post/312450/

4. Artificial neural networks in simple words, tmteam, 2016, tmteam, 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode https://geektimes.ru/post/277088/




