M. Makarenko, A. Shayhatdinov, A. Kravchenko. Development of ecological management at enterprises of sea transport.


  • Марина Василівна Макаренко Азовський морський інститут, м. Маріуполь, Ukraine
  • Андрій Загітович Шайхатдинов Азовський морський інститут, м. Маріуполь, Ukraine
  • Алла Вікторівна Кравченко Азовський морський інститут, м. Маріуполь, Ukraine




ecological management, strategy of ecological and economic development, the state of the ecological and economic system, matrix of game, matrix of environmental and economic management.


It is proved in the article that in order to provide a worthy place in the world community Ukraine needs a scientifically grounded, developed and purposefully implemented strategy of sustainable development. The latter implies the harmonious interaction of material production with the preservation of the natural environment. Despite the current legislation on environmental issues and the active participation of the state in international environmental measures, Ukraine is witnessing further deterioration of the ecological situation. The environmental crisis is becoming increasingly widespread and a real threat to the population. Marine and river ports are extremely complex industrial facilities that contain technological and organizational structures that perform various economic tasks. Without the effective scientific, technical and environmental measures of their servicing, further development of sea transport transport is not possible. Solving ecological problems on the sea and river transport requires the development of a methodology for determining the damage that may be caused by the nature of the enterprise of sea and river transport. Implementation of the objectives of environmental management at enterprises requires the use of scientific methods. On the basis of the analysis it was established that environmental management methods include information, warning, engineering. Analysis of modern literature in the field of management of enterprises allowed to allocate the appropriate functions of environmental management of the enterprise. Functions of ecological management allow to work on the formation of its organizational mechanism and implementation of ecological activity. Construction of the organizational mechanism of environmental management, the realization of its goals, tasks and functions is based on the general scientific principles of management of production enterprises. The constructed matrix allows you to evaluate the possibility of achieving a goal using various means. Choosing the appropriate strategy requires the definition of the place in it ecological and economic management. The choice of a specific ecological-economic strategy must be made taking into account the economic indicators of environmental activity. The change of the ecological-economic system in such cases can be investigated with the help of tasks of the class of game theory. Experience of foreign enterprises proves the receipt of many benefits associated with the implementation of environmental management.

Author Biographies

Марина Василівна Макаренко, Азовський морський інститут, м. Маріуполь

зав. каф. Менеджменту та підприємництва на морському транспорті, д. е. н., професор

Андрій Загітович Шайхатдинов, Азовський морський інститут, м. Маріуполь

зав. каф. Природничо-наукових та гуманітарних дисциплін, к. іст. н., доцент

Алла Вікторівна Кравченко, Азовський морський інститут, м. Маріуполь

к. е. н., доцент


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