T. Kravchenko. Proceeding in crediting as key priority of activity of banks of Ukraine in a post-crisis period.


  • Таїсія Дмитрівна Кравченко Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine




jars, bank crisis, bank crediting, capitalization, resource providing, quality of assets, credit risk, default, concentration, solvency.


In the article the basic problems of activation of crediting are examined by the banks of Ukraine in a post-crisis period. The problem  of activation of crediting by the banks of Ukraine  in a post-crisis period  remains unsolved, moreover, taking into account the dynamics of development of these processes in the world banking systems. An objective requirement was therefore formed in deep scientific researches of problems of increase of activity  banks efficiency among which the problem of crediting  in proceeding occupies an important place. Considering the state of banks capitalization and their resource providing, the author exposed principal reasons of unsatisfactory state of corporate sector and population crediting on credits. In 2014-2016 a system bank crisis which was accompanied by cleaning the bank sector on the basis of scale and detailed verification of the state of banks assets happened in Ukraine. As a result the combined additional requirement is carried out in the capital of banks. At the background resource providing of stabilizing due to internal sources, increase of deposit resources volumes, activation of crediting didn it take place in the banks of Ukraine. The Ukrainian banking system is characterized by the extremely high concentration of credits, which creates substantial risks for banks. There is maximum  crediting of corporate sector, here the quality of credits to the large business-groups is far below, than the quality of legal entities credits on the whole. A high interest  of unworking credits is one of the key system risks of sector which restrains proceeding in crediting. A problem  can be decided only on condition of reasonable determination  of credit assets risk. It is necessary to increase the credit quality, to  decline   high  concentrations in a corporate sector and to except the practice  of deliveries on the unmarket terms.

Author Biography

Таїсія Дмитрівна Кравченко, Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет»

старший викладач кафедри «Фінанси і банківська справа»


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