Filipishina L. M., Kalinin O. Features of formation of investment policy of industrial enterprises between strategies for sustainable economic development.




evolution, the concept of sustainable development, sustainable development of an industrial enterprise, investment policy.


Investments actively influence the achievement of sustainable development. The essence of the concept of investment policy, which takes into account various aspects of effective allocation of investment resources, is considered. It also monitors the company's investment policy, the direction of strategic changes in the investment sphere, the definition of investment alternatives, it is possible to make policy changes through investing, sources of investment, and decision-making on this investment attraction route. The analysis was carried out according to the following indicators: net income from sales; export; financial results from operating activities; profitability of products sold; costs for 1 UAH. net income, which are one of the main controlled indicators of the effectiveness of the introduction of pricing policies in enterprises. These indicators are considered for the period of analysis - 2013-2015. For clarity, diagrams are constructed for each indicatorIn the article the authors supplemented the algorithm of investment policy implementation within the framework of the strategy of sustainable economic development of an industrial enterprise on the basis of the existing one. It contains a structurally logical sequence of management decisions on the definition and sources of fundraising. The proposed algorithm contributes to the effective adaptation to the modern world management trends of the financial capital management system of industrial enterprises. The algorithm takes into account the directions of using the funds, the possibility of financing from internal sources, external factors of influence and allows more efficient analysis of investment in the components of sustainable development (social, economic, environmental and innovation), fundraising and management decisions on the choice of these sources.


Author Biographies

Лілія Михайлівна Філіпішина, ППІ НУК імені адмірала Макарова, м. Первомайськ

к. е. н., доцент кафедри економіки та організації виробництва

Олександр Володимирович Калінін, ДВНЗ «ПДТУ», м. Маріуполь

к. е. н., доцент кафедри маркетингу та бізнес-адміністрування


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