S. Mishchenko. Youth unemployment: trends, problems, prospects.


  • Світлана Олегівна Міщенко Маріупольський міський центр зайнятості, Ukraine




youth, unemployment, unemployment dynamics, employment dynamics, State Employment Service, business club model.


The article is devoted to one of the most important issues of our time - youth unemployment, development trends, problems and prospects for solving this problem. It is shown that human capital is by far the most important resource, but the presence of youth unemployment is becoming an increasingly urgent problem. The article analyzes the number of registered unemployed in the state employment service of Ukraine during 2013-2017. It is proved that the problems of youth unemployment are much wider than it seems at first glance. The dynamics of the unemployed population's employment in 2013-2017 is also analyzed. Individuals under the age of 35 years, that is, young people, are singled out. It is proved that with the aim of gradual reduction of youth unemployment and reduction of external migration movements in Ukraine, today it is advisable to consider the issue of state regulation in the direction of providing employment, increasing the competitiveness of young people in the labor market, which will provide the necessary conditions for the reproduction of the population and labor resources. Present-day foreign practices of career-oriented work with young people are given, namely the example of Poland, Great Britain, the United States of America. The author also developed a model of a business club (school, center) on the basis of employment centers. It is concluded that such structures that promote youth entrepreneurs serve as information platforms for investors, from representatives of the local administration, development funds and domestic and international donors.

Author Biography

Світлана Олегівна Міщенко, Маріупольський міський центр зайнятості

заступник директора, аспірант інституту підготовки кадрів державної служби зайнятості України


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