K. Zhadko. Modern tendencies the energy saving and efficiency of enterprises.


  • Костянтин Степанович Жадько Університет митної справи та фінансів, Ukraine




еnergy saving, efficiency, energy efficiency, enterprises.


   At the present stage of the development of market economy at enterprises, the problem of energy saving and energy efficiency of enterprises is relevant. The article reveals the main theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of the state and management of the energy component in the system of ensuring the efficiency of enterprises, defines the main priorities of its development, possible risks. Describes energy saving tendencies, energy supply of enterprises, and measures and methods for improving the energy status and efficiency of enterprises are proposed. Management of energy consumption of enterprises of various industries should be based on performance indicators, production monitoring, current trends in energy consumption. Thus, you can assess the state of energy saving, trends and efficiency of any enterprise and use the proposed measures to improve the economic situation. In terms of energy efficiency, Ukraine is among those states where the stagnation of the existing situation can provoke a serious economic crisis with subsequent massive social upheavals. We propose to manage the process of energy saving and the effectiveness of enterprises the following measures: the definition of energy consumption for each type of product; identification of reserves for increasing the efficiency of use of fuel and energy resources; analysis of possibilities of using energy-saving technologies and equipment; formation of target energy saving parameters; Involvement of employees of all levels in the process of energy saving at the enterprise; providing support for proposed changes, development and implementation of the system of material incentives for increasing the level of energy saving at the enterprise; implementation and constant verification of key indicators of efficiency of the process of increasing energy efficiency in the enterprise.

Author Biography

Костянтин Степанович Жадько, Університет митної справи та фінансів

завідувач кафедри підприємництва та економіки підприємств, доктор економічних наук, професор


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