Gojayeva Elmira Magomed gizi. Priority directions for attracting foreign capital to the economy of Azerbaijan.


  • Эльмира Магомед кызы Годжаева Азербайджанский университет Туризма и Менеджмента, г. Баку, Azerbaijan https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8413-4812




foreign investments, economic development, non-oil sector, entrepreneurial activity, economic reform.


In the article, the author notes that to support the development of entrepreneurship, state policy is regulated from a single center. Therefore, international organizations constantly express their appreciation of the measures implemented for the purpose of rapid social and economic development of our country, and, at the same time, the further development of the business environment. Currently, each state is trying to develop an investment climate in its economy, and this is possible, primarily through the formation of a regulatory framework for state regulation of foreign investment. Thus, in order to maintain proportions in the state economy and achieve a stable pace of economic development, all necessary steps were taken to ensure the stable development of not only the fuel and energy complex, but also other sectors of the economy, in particular the non-oil sector.

Author Biography

Эльмира Магомед кызы Годжаева, Азербайджанский университет Туризма и Менеджмента, г. Баку

доцент кафедры «Экономика»


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7.http: //www.doingbusiness.org Отчет «Doing Business 2017» - Азербайджан.

Refеrences (BSI):

1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on approval of the "Rules of preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the state investment program of the Republic of Azerbaijan" dated March 17, 2010.

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