K. Novikova. Economic mechanism for ensuring the competitiveness of the seaport.


  • Крістіна Володимирівна Новікова Державний університет інфраструктури та технологій, м. Київ, Ukraine




sea port, competition, competitiveness, competitive advantages, economic mechanism.


The article is devoted to the coverage of the economic mechanism of ensuring the competitiveness of the seaport as one of the priority state tasks. In this connection, the necessity to define and specify the essence, as well as the main measures to increase the competitiveness of enterprises in modern conditions of management, has been proved. The approaches to the definition of economic definitions "competitiveness" and "competitive advantage" are presented. From this, the meaning of the concept of "competitiveness" should be understood by comparing the performance of all market participants, which are precisely defined in time. The subject of in-depth study is the definition of the main components of the economic mechanism of ensuring the competitiveness of the seaport, which will enhance its competitiveness. Based on the study of different points of view of domestic and foreign scientists on the category of economic mechanism, in order to increase the economic effect of competitiveness, the author proposes an economic mechanism that takes into account the specifics of the seaport and modern port competitiveness tools. The proposed economic mechanism of ensuring the competitiveness of the seaport is a set of actions aimed at achieving the primary goals by creating favorable conditions for rational and efficient use of available resources. The author grouped and systematized approaches to ensuring the competitiveness of the seaport, the components of the organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring the competitiveness of the seaport. The mechanism of increasing the competitiveness of the seaport has been highlighted, which allowed to form a system for monitoring and managing the competitiveness of the seaport and to reflect the manifestation of the synergistic effect in transport infrastructure, in the national economy and in the social sphere.

Author Biography

Крістіна Володимирівна Новікова, Державний університет інфраструктури та технологій, м. Київ



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