Introduction of foreign experience in managing the development of intellectual capital of civil servants.


  • Maryna Kravchenko SHEI «PSTU», Mariupo, Ukraine



intellectual capital, management, state service, qualification, retraining, training, certificates


The article is devoted to the important problem of management of intellectual capital in the sphere of public service, training and retraining of personnel for the State service. Specified time limits for the appearance of the concept of intellectual capital. It is proved that intellectual capital at the present stage is considered only from the positions of enterprises, but the development of this element in other industries should also be manifested. It is proved that achieving a high level of economic development and management is possible only with the effective implementation of the decentralization process. The given data on the projects which are continuing on the territory of Ukraine in the framework of decentralization. A number of problems related to the implementation of the decentralization process are presented. Some directions of reforming the intellectual capital management system of civil servants are considered, and the shortcomings of the modern system are presented. There is generalized United States experience in training public activists, businesses, and civil servants. It is proved that training on the basis of non-standard programs through a series of short-term courses provides a synergistic effect of the relationship between society, society and business. The experience of the University of Central Asia for training personnel for various fields of activity, as well as public service, is presented. At the forefront is the local economic development of society and the relationship between society, business and civil servants. There are four main modules for learning and the principles on which learning is based. The conclusion is made on the necessity of introducing the experience of foreign countries on the issue of training on the basis of short-term courses to achieve the synergy of business, society and government.

Author Biography

Maryna Kravchenko, SHEI «PSTU», Mariupo

Ph.D., Assoc., Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Entrepreneurship, SHEI «PSTU», Mariupol


Список використаних джерел:

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1. Kovtunenko K. V. Sutnistʹ ta rolʹ intelektualʹnoho kapitalu / K. V. Kovtunenko // Teoretychni i praktychni aspekty ekonomiky ta intelektualʹnoyi vlasnosti. - 2013. - Vyp. 1(1). - S. 61-65. - Rezhym dostupu:

2. Kontseptsiyi reformuvannya systemy profesiynoho navchannya derzhavnykh sluzhbovtsiv, holiv mistsevykh derzhavnykh administratsiy, yikh pershykh zastupnykiv ta zastupnykiv, posadovykh osib mistsevoho samovryaduvannya ta deputativ mistsevykh rad. Rezhym dostupu:





