Anticipated and real risks in block-chain technologies.


  • Vyacheslav Voloshin Rector of the "Priazovskiy State Technical University", Honored Worker Scientist of Ukraine, doctor of technical sciences, professor, academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine., Ukraine



blockchain, crowdfunding, blockchain technology, innovation processes


The article represents a review of problems and risks and the prospects of development in the domain of block-chain technologies. The article contains the available data regarding the degree of distribution of block-chain technologies as a contemporary and widespread commodity product. It was noted that the projects of application of block-chain technologies are widely discussed and realized throughout the world. They are based on the opportunities of this computer product, due to its qualities, like reliability universality and the absence of mediator. Analyzed were the risks, connected with application of this product, including objective, generally acknowledged and subjective ones, doing harm to development of the block-chain production. On the basis of represented expert evaluation the arguments were obtained for the prospects and risks due to application of this new technology. The groups of most probable reasons hampering widespread distribution of block-chain technologies beside the financial sphere were revealed. The work can be the subject of more detailed research in this field as a ground for objectification of risks and the means of popularization of up-to-date information technologies. The article could be of use for companies which are consumers of  block-chain technologies in their applied direction and try to minimize their possible risks, due to their mastering the new high-tech consumer product. The conclusion was made that the existing actual and potential risks in known technologies of block-chain are far from being a sentence, being an opportunity of eventual finding solutions to such problems and preventing their influence on innovative processes in the society and ensuring man’s safety in our quickly changing world.

Author Biography

Vyacheslav Voloshin, Rector of the "Priazovskiy State Technical University", Honored Worker Scientist of Ukraine, doctor of technical sciences, professor, academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine.

Rector of the "Priazovskiy State Technical University", Honored Worker Scientist of Ukraine, doctor of technical sciences, professor, academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine.


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