Conceptual model of strategic management process of the international economic performance system of an enterprise.


  • Irina Perevozova Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Marketing and Controlling Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ukraine
  • Andrew Ustenko Doctor in Economics, professor, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical Oil and Gas University, Ivano-Frankivsk,
  • Oksana Malynka PhD in Economics, associate professor, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical Oil and Gas University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
  • Elena Morozova Aspirant of the Department of Marketing and Controlling Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas,



international economic performance, conceptual model, enterprise, process, management system, strategic management


The article shows management process during the implementation of the development strategy of an enterprise’s international economic performance (IEP) as a complex system, which includes processes, operations, elements. Strategic management process of IEP is a higher form of informational interaction, which cannot be effective without high-intellectual memory (supported with a computer). It reflects the functioning of strategic management system of IEP and is a complex phenomenon, which contains the target subsystem, providing subsystem, normative and legislative subsystem and management subsystem. In their turn, the subsystems mentioned above consist of partial processes, operations, and elements. Any strategy management will be effective if there are at least two channels: informational (direct and reverse) and energy (motivational) channel. The effectiveness of strategy implementation is determined with the level of sufficient information for managers of all levels and the motivational system. Conceptual model of strategic management process of IEP of an enterprise is suggested, which is based on the system approach and represented as a set of the following basic subsystems: "X" target subsystem, "Y" providing subsystem, "ХY" normative and legislative subsystem, "Z" management subsystem. The "X" axis "System goals" illustrates management cycle during the implementation of IEP strategy (a set of stages, processes, functions which should be carried out to achieve the goal (get the result). The "Y" axis represents the implementation of the goals and processes and defines means of the rational goal achievement. Strategic management subsystem (axis "Z") reflects the implementation of general strategic management functions of IEP on the background of accumulated experience (memory). Such system of relations requires the improvement and stabilization of the system of laws, regulations, instructions, orders, which form normative and legislative framework (axis "ХY"). It will determine and establish the "rules of the game" at competitive international markets. Each of the subsystems mentioned above forms its own technical and economic indicators (TEI-1 TEI-2, TEI-3, TEI-4), which are integrated into synthetic management criteria of IEP (TEI-5).


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